On February 27, 2018 „BERS LOGISTICS FRESH“ EOOD concluded an administrative contract for the provision of grants № BG05M9OP001-1.021-0388-C01 under the Operational Program “Human Resources Development” 2014-2020, grant scheme BG05M9OP001.0 “Trainings for employees” for the implementation of the project “Improving the adaptability of employees through participation in pieces of training for the acquisition of professional qualifications and key competencies”.
The project is worth BGN 255,640.00, of which BGN 217,294.00 European and BGN 38,346.00 national co-financing.
The main goal of the project is to increase the qualification of the employees in BERS LOGISTICS FRESH EOOD, their labor productivity, as well as to create conditions for sustainable employment and employment of better jobs. The project will improve the adaptability of the workforce of BERS LOGISTICS FRESH EOOD, as well as their competitiveness in the context of the strategic objectives of the Operational Program “Human Resources Development” 2014-2020.
The implementation of the project “Improving the adaptability of employees through participation in training for the acquisition of professional qualifications and key competencies” is aimed at achieving the following specific objectives:
- Increasing the adequacy of the skills and qualifications of the employees concerning the current needs of BERS LOGISTICS FRESH EOOD.
- Acquisition of new or improvement of the professional knowledge and skills of the employees by including them in pieces of training for acquiring the higher professional qualification and key competencies.
The expected results from the implementation of the project are:
- Successfully conducted training and issued certificates of professional qualification for a total of 94 people from the target group of the project, as follows:
- in the profession “Forwarder-logistics” with code of the profession: 840110, specialty “Forwarding, transport and warehousing logistics” with code of the specialty: 8401101 – 85 people;
- in the profession “Associate in small and medium business” with profession code: 345050, specialty “Small and medium business” with specialty code: 3450501 – 9 people.
- Successfully conducted training and issued certificates/certificates for the English language in key competence 2 “Communication in foreign languages” for a total of 98 people from the target group of the project.
Starting date – June 1, 2018.
Closing date – June 30, 2019.